Monday, March 7, 2011


Q. 1. The descendants of a common male ancestor are called:

(a) Agnates

(b) Cognates

(c) Lineal kin

(d) Collateral kin

Ans. (a)

Q. 2. According to Iravati Karve, which one of the following linguistic regions comes under the central kinship zone?

(a) Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Mahrashtra and Orissa

(b) Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Mahrashtra and Gujarat

(c) Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Gujarat but not Mahrashtra

(d) Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh but not Orissa

Ans. (d)

Q. 3. The Rules of Residence where a couple upon being married, go to live with the brother of the groom’s mother, are known as:

(a) Patrilocal

(b) Matrilocal

(c) Avunculocal

(d) Neolocal

Ans. (c)

Q. 4. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(a) “Dewar- Bhabhi” relationship : Joking relationship

(b) Marriage with mother’s brother : Experimental marriage

(c) Cross-cousin marriage : Preferential form of marriage

(d) Marriage with father’s brother : Incest taboo

Ans. (b)

Q. 5. .Marriage by purchase is called:

(a) Arsha marriage

(b) Asur marriage

(c) Rakshas marriage

(d) Pishach marriage

Ans. (b)

Q. 6. Which one of the following is an example of Sanskritization?

(a) Monogamy among the present Nayars

(b) Brahma form of marriage among the Namboodiris

(c) Saptapadi among the kshatriyas

(d) Saptapadi among the peasant castes of Karnataka

Ans. (d)

Q. 7. A system under which a woman is permitted to marry a person of the lower caste but vice versa is not allowed is known as:

(a) Hypergamy

(b) Hypogamy

(c) Promiscuity

(d) Polygamy

Ans. (b)

Q. 8. The extended family is the opposite of nuclear family. It does not exist in:

(a) USA

(b) India

(c) Japan.

(d) China

Ans. (a)

Q. 9. Which one of the following statements is not correct?

(a) Racial inter-mixture leads to degeneration

(b) The concept of pure race is a myth

(c) Inter-mixture of races is universal

(d) No race is superior or inferior to any other race

Ans. (a)

Q. 10. When inherent superiority of a people over another is legitimized in terms of biological attributes, it is called:

(a) Racism

(b) Ethnicity

(c) Society

(d) Cultural pride

Ans. (a)

Q. 11. Consider the following theories:

1. Evolutionist

2. Diffusionist

3. Functionalist

4. Phenomenologist

Which of these theories adopt a holistic view of culture?

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 2 and 4

(c) 1 and 3

(d) 3 and 4

Ans. (c)

Q. 12. Which one of the following is an example of role-set?

(a) A teacher’s relationship. with his / pupils, colleagues, the principal and parents

(b) A teacher as husband, father, sportsman and social activist

(c) A teacher becoming later a head of the department, a principal and a registrar

(d) A student becoming a husband, a father and a grandfather over a period of time

Ans. (a)

Q. 13. Pronatalism refers to the:

(a) view that a person should not have as many children as possible

(b) view that only the child can provide sustenance and salvation to the family

(c) strong positive value a society places on having children

(d) view that vitality of the family depends upon the strong physique of the child

Ans. (c)

Q. 14. The view that without using the values of one’s own cultured to judge all others is known as

(a) individualism

(b) ethnocentrism

(c) culture of objectivity

(d) cultural relativism

Ans. (d)

Q. 15. Match List -I with List -II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists:

List- I List -II

A. Pan-Egyptian Cultural Approach 1. L. H. Morgan

B. Cultural Historical Approach 2. Elliot Smith

C. Structural Approach 3. F. Graebner

D. Evolutionary Approach 4. C. Levi Strauss



(a) 3 2 1 4

(b) 2 3 4 1

(c) 2 3 1 4

(d) 3 2 4 1

Ans. (c)

Q. 16. According to T. Parsons, there are three modes of motivational orientation. Which one of the following is not included in these modes?

(a) Cognitive orientation

(b) Cathartic orientation

(c) Appreciative orientation

(d) Evaluative orientation

Ans. (c)

Q. 17. Clark Wissler demonstrated that in each restricted area of a culture, a central of dispersal could be identified. People living on the borders of two culture areas share the features of both. Such areas are called:

(a) areas of cultural parallels

(b) areas of cultural similarities

(c) areas of cultural amalgamation

(d) marginal areas

Ans. (c)

Q. 18. The fact that diffusion is possible shows that:

(a) evolution is a mistaken doctrine

(b) societies have fixed genetic constitutions

(c) evolution cannot be precisely unilinear

(d) progress is inevitable

Ans. (c)

Q. 19. Which one of the following covers the situation where a TV commentator would?

(a) Diffusion

(b) Cultural lag

(c) Communication gap

(d) Technological lag

Ans. (b)

Q. 20. Ethnocentrism refers to:

(a) appreciating cultural traits of other groups

(b) the tendency of a cultural group to uphold and sustain traditional culture

(c) the attitude that one’s own culture or group is superior to another

(d) the attempt to modernize traditional cultural values

Ans. (c)

Q. 21. According to T. Parsons, behaviour becomes action when four conditions are present. Which among the following conditions is not one of them?

(a) Orientation to attainment of ends

(b) Occurrence in particular situations

(c) Being regulated by norms and values of the individual actor

(d) Involvement of an emotional investment of energy

Ans. (d)

Q. 22. Which one of the following is social relationship?

(a) Two armies facing each other

(b) Thirty candidates seated in an examination hail

(c) People running for shelter during a sudden downpour

(d) Cinema viewers and actors on the screen

Ans. (a)

Q. 23. A man, who has accumulated a lot of black money, constructs a hospital for cancer patients and poses himself as a savior to the downtrodden. This is an example of:

(a) role insulation

(b) counterfeit role

(c) false role

(d) role-set

Ans. (b)

Q. 24. Diachronic orientation in cultural analysis is not present in the theories of:

(a) historical particularism

(b) evolutionism

(c) diffusionism

(d) structuralism

Ans. (d)

Q. 25. Coercion refers to:

(a) use of physical force to gain one’s interest

(b) large-scale violence leading to disruption of social life

(c) prevalence of warring groups in society

(d) social interaction in which one person or group

forces its will on another

Ans. (d)

Q. 26. Who among the following is not a contributor to the studies on acculturation?

(a) Linton

(b) Redfield

(c) Herskovits

(d) Ogburn

Ans. (d)

Q. 27. The main difference between class and status is that:

(a) the former refers to economic group and the latter to hereditary ranking of family

(b) the former is associated with ownership of means of production and the latter with styles of life

(c) the former refers to personal power and the latter is associated with privileges that one enjoys

(d) the former -refers to acquisition of political power and the latter to gain of social power

Ans. (b)

Q. 28. Who among the following drew a distinction between social structure and structural form?

(a) Redcliffe Brown

(b) S. F. Nadel

(c) Edmund Leach

(d) Evans-Pritchard

Ans. (a)

Q. 29. Routinization of charisma refers to:

(a) the process by which the personal qualities of a charismatic leader are incorporated in the. characteristics of an organization

(b) the wide acceptance of the leadership quality of the charismatic leader by his followers

(c) the high normative standard of the actions of charismatic leader

(d) the ultimate goal which the charismatic leader has attained

Ans. (a)

Q. 30. Which one of the following is common to classes, estates and castes?

(a) Hierarchically arranged income groups

(b) Hierarchically arranged strata

(c) Hierarchically arranged hereditary groups

(d) Horizontal strata’s typical of certain societies

Ans. (b)

Q. 31. Structural differentiation refers to

(a) progressive specialization and autonomous functioning of social units

(b) changes in the structural forms of social units

(c) the process of evaluation and ranking of social institutions

(d) the proliferation of social units

Ans. (a)

Q. 32. Who among the following held the view that we cannot talk of social structure in the singular?

(a) Levi-Strauss

(b) Mayer Fortes

(c) S. F. Nadel

(d) Talcott Parsons

Ans. (c)

Q. 33. Sumner referred to his model of society as a:

(a) development model

(b) conflict model

(c) consensus model

(d) progressive model

Ans. (a)

Q. 34. Consider the following characteristics:

1. A network of social relationships

2. Totality of population

3. Provision for membership by birth

4. Comprehensive culture

The major characteristics of society would include:

(a) l, 2 and 3

(b) 2, 3 and 4

(c) 1, 2 and 4

(d) 1, 3 and 4

Ans. (d)

Q. 35. Merton speaks of three characteristics of a group membership. According to Merton, which one of the following is not a characteristic of social group?

(a) Frequency of interaction

(b) Interacting persons defining themselves as members

(c) Persons in interaction being defined by others as belonging to the group

(d) Intended all social activities

Ans. (d)

Q. 36. Which one of the following constitutes a primary group?

(a) All inmates of a prison

(b) Sugarcane plantation workers

(c) Members of Alcoholics of metropolis

(d) Mother and her three children

Ans. (d)

Q. 37. A group which does not allow a person to join similar other groups at one and the same time are called:

(a) disjunctive group

(b) overlapping group

(c) exclusive group

(d) congregate group

Ans. (a)

Q. 38. Who held the view that the primary groups are the breeding grounds of our mores and the nurse of our loyalties?

(a) Cooley

(c) Maclver

(b) Tonnies

(d) Sumner

Ans. (c)

Q. 39. Consider the following elements:

1. Identified goals

2. Ascribed roles

3. Membership for life

4. Voluntary membership

5. Authority structure

6. A set of rules

Which of these are elements of a complex organization?

(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4

(b) 3, 4, 5 and 6

(c) 1, 3, 5 and 6

(d) 1, 4, 5 and 6

Ans. (d)

Q. 40. Consider the following functions.

1. Aiding a member’s entry into the group

2. Easing the member’s adjustment after. he has become a part of the group

3. Strengthening the member’s position within the membership group

4. Reducing the member to being a ‘marginal man’

According to Merton, which of these are twin functions served by anticipatory socialization?

(a) 1 and 4

(b) 3 and 4

(c) 1 and 2

(d) 2 and 3

Ans. (c)

Q. 41. The negative reference group has been studied by:

(a) Harry Johnson

(b) Ralph Linton

(c) Theodore Caplow

(d) William Scott

Ans. (b)

Q. 42. Status inconsistency refers to:

(a) differential ranking on the dimensions of social stratifications

(b) discrepancy and conflict in the status and role of an individual

(c) gaps between expectation and performance

(d) incompatibility among the different statuses of an individual

Ans. (c)

Q. 43. Who among the following defined social institutions as the social structure and machinery through which human society organizes, directs and executes multifarious activities required to satisfy human needs?

(a) B. A. Ross

(b) K. Davis

(c) C. H. Cooley

(d) H. E. Barnes

Ans. (d)

Q. 44. Match List -I with List -II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists:

List- I List -II

A. Family and Kinship Among Pundits of Kashmir 1. Robin Fox

B. Kinship and Marriage 2. G.S. Ghuriya

C. Elementary Structures of Kinship 3. Radhakamal Mukherjee

D. Family and Kin in Indo-European Culture 4. T.N. Madan

5. Levi-Strauss



(a) 3 1 5 2

(b) 4 1 5 2

(c) 4 2 3 5

(d) 2 1 4 3

Ans. (b)

Q. 45. Which one of the following sets of tribes belongs to Southern kinship zone according to Irawati Karve?

(a) Korku, Gond and Bhil

(b) Bhil, Kadar and Koya

(c) Koya, Gond and Oraon

(d) Kadar, Coorgi and Khasi

Ans. (b)

Q. 46. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

(a) Kinship usage : Agnates

(b) Classificatory kinship term : Class relationship

(c) Descriptive kinship term : Specific relationship

(d) Avunculate : Paternal uncle

Ans. (c)

Q. 47.

On the basis of the given kinship diagram, those who are not parallel cousins, would include

(a) L, M, Q and S

(b) N, P, T and U

(c) Q, R, K and M

(d) K, L, M and 0

Ans. (d)

Q. 48. Male primogeniture form of succession and inheritance was practised amongthe:

(a) Marathas

(b) Nayars

(c) Brahmins of Karnataka

(d) Namboodiris Brahmins

Ans. (d)

Q. 49. Irawati Karve speaks of four-clan rule, practiced in North India in mate selection restrictions. Which one of the following is not included in the four-clan rule? A man must not marry a woman from his:

(a) Father’s Gotra

(b) Mother’s Gotra

(c) Father’s mother’s Gotra

(d) Mother’s father’s Gotra

Ans. (d)

Q. 50. Genetic characteristics are evident among:

(a) affinal kins

(b) consanguineal kins

(c) unilateral kins

(d) bilateral kins

Ans. (b)

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